Previous Topic: Admin Task Processing

Next Topic: Define the Profile of the Task

How to Create an Admin Task

An admin task is an administrative function that a user can perform in Identity Manager. Examples of admin tasks include Create User, Modify Group, and View Role Membership.

When you create an admin task, you complete the following steps:

Note: The section Active Directory Prerequisites includes additional considerations if Identity Manager is managing an Active Directory user store.

  1. In the Identity Manager User Console, select Roles and Tasks, Admin Tasks, Create Admin Task.

    Identity Manager asks if you want to create a new task or create a task based on an existing task.

    For example, select the Modify User task as the basis of the new task.

  2. Select a creation option, and click OK.
  3. Once you select Ok, you see a screen with the following five tabs:



    See this Topic


    Define the profile of the task being created

    Define the Profile of the Task


    Limit the range of objects that are managed by the task

    Define the Task Scope


    Choose and design the tabs for the task

    Choose Tabs for the Task


    Show the fields used on all tabs

    View Fields in the Task


    Select a workflow process for each event if the Identity Manager environment and the task uses workflow

    Assign Workflow Processes for Events

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