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Attribute Value and Sequence Order

Both the Attribute Value field and the Sequence Order field are keys for the approval setting. The value can be either a specific value or a wildcard. Every new value added to the attribute is checked against all approvers' configurations to see if any match the pattern. If so, the approver is added to the list.


There are two approvers defined in the system, one to approve all values for the attribute at sequence 1, and the other to approve a specific value at sequence 2. This means that the first approver (for example, the manager) must approve all values requested for the user. If the value for which the second approver is configured has been approved, then it must be approved again, this time by the second approver. All other values approved at sequence 1 that do not require further approval are updated in the user's record.

The combination of the value and the sequence is what defines parallel and sequential approval.

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